I must give kudos to Yelp, as it led me to discover Whipp'd LA - a place in WeHo that sells soft serve and Hawaiian shaved ice, but most importantly, they offer dole whip! Getting dole whip is one of my favorite parts of going to Disneyland. I got really lucky and ended up finding a Groupon for 6 large soft serves or carbolite from Whipp'd - a large can easily feed 3 people!

Considering I did so much running around this weekend, I really didn't take any pictures except for these few at Whipp'd. I had a fantastic weekend - my friend Allie came up on Friday, and we spent our night at my favorite new place, Rosewood Tavern. We enjoyed a few beers and had some great girl talk. The next morning, Prestyn joined us and we tried a sushi place only a couple blocks from my place. IT WAS AMAZING. If you ever go to Starfish Sushi in the Miracle Mile, you absolutely must get the Superman Burrito Roll. It's my new favorite roll. Afterwards, we tried out an independent coffee shop, where I was delighted to find that I could order a pumpkin spice latte in the middle of summer. Finally, we ended our walk at LACMA, which is fortunately very close to my apartment. Allie was an art major in college, and served as our person docent, giving us a guided tour. I really loved it, and got an annual membership - how could I not considering it's a five minute walk from my apartment?
We had a quick rest and then headed out to pick up my friend Franci and headed to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery to see a film noir: Sunset Blvd. I really loved the movie, and it's always fun pigging out, having a picnic in a unique spot. We had the best intentions, but after getting back to my place at 11:30, we were far too exhausted to go out, so I ended up showing them my special spot: the roof of my apartment. They were a bit wary about it, but it's cool to see the view. The fun didn't end there- today we headed out to Venice Beach which was honestly busier than I've ever seen it in my life! It's quite the experience, but I was very happy to come home, grab Chipotle with Allie, and spend the rest of the day napping and generally recuperating.