I hadn't planned on seeing my family for Fourth of July festivities, as it falling on a Wednesday is especially inconvenient- the last thing I wanted to do was drive back to LA late at night with all the drunks on the road. However, seeing that I spent the holiday in Sweden last year, I was feeling extra homesick and last-minute decided to go down to Orange County. My sweet friend Franci agreed to also change her plans with me and meet my big, loud family. My mom was so excited she kept calling while I was on the road, telling me to hurry up (hurry up! but drive safe!...speed! but don't speed!)- and had a drink in my hand before I even got out of the car! Although I was exhausted the next morning, it was definitely worth it in order to be with family. The whole gang was there: the Smiths, Diederichs, Coads, Melancons, Heidelmans, Millers and much more! It was very comforting to walk into the house with everyone shouting my name and scrambling to give me hugs. These people always make me feel so loved.
Shannon and Cheryl |
Franci aka Rara |
Cheryl, Kelly, Katherine, Pam, Lisa, my momma, and Carolyn |
everyone was cheering about this aircraft and I don't know why |
my brother Nico |
the first of many attempts to capture a Heidelman family portrait

such cuties! |
The Coads!
Cheryl, Kelly, Katherine, Pam, Lisa, my momma, and Carolyn |

my sister Emily, my momma, Katherine, and Pam |
I may have used candy as a bribe to get this one

my sister Emily, my momma, and my sister Stephanie |
the Heidelmans <3 |
The Melancons: Mike, Andrew, Pam, and Rachel |
The Smiths: Julie, Cheryl, Carissa, and Shannon |
just before the firework show began |
I (intentionally) took a ton of blurry pictures of fireworks |