The Secret Garden
Okay, this place isn't exactly a garden, but I never see anyone there and it's quite gorgeous. However, it's not quite secret, as it's just in between where the two paths meet up the hill in Valla Skogen. Yes, people did stop to stare. The other pictures were taken on "our" side of the school (where Farrah and I have classes, but the rest of Swedish friends frequent rarely), mostly along this man made river-type-thing that was designed to clean water naturally, so all the rain pipes dump into it. It's rather beautiful- but today it was less so, as it was less windy.
Also, I'm giving you fair warning - there are lots of couple-y pictures and some gratuitous shots of myself. I also apologize my obsession with over-editing, hopefully I'll get over soon (but it's so much fun!)
First up, Christoffer and Farrah:

Photos taken on "our" side of campus:

(I think I may be obsessed with taking pictures of flowers)
photo by Farrah

Christian and me (all photos by Farrah unless otherwise stated, all editing by me):

photo by me

Also, I'm giving you fair warning - there are lots of couple-y pictures and some gratuitous shots of myself. I also apologize my obsession with over-editing, hopefully I'll get over soon (but it's so much fun!)
First up, Christoffer and Farrah:

Photos taken on "our" side of campus:

(I think I may be obsessed with taking pictures of flowers)
photo by Farrah

Christian and me (all photos by Farrah unless otherwise stated, all editing by me):

photo by me