Berget Cafè and Tehus
Today, I went downtown with Christian to get outside (although the wind was extremely frigid, so I ended up taking a bus). After walking around a bit, we went to Berget Cafè and Tehus ("tehus" = "tea house"), this charming place that I have been wanting to fika at for a few months now. It is located in an old house on a hill in downtown, charming as can be. expectations were a bit too high. The chairs are so old, that when I sat down, I nearly sunk to the ground. All the drinks and food were completely overpriced and nothing special (25 kronor for a tiny, tiny coffee!), the place is a fire hazard (I got extremely claustrophobic because people were shoved in every which way), and totally uncomfortable. It was a fun place to take a few pictures though! Getting a bit of fresh air was also nice. I went for a quick sauna afterwards, it always makes me feel lovely.